Download a copy of the newsletter here.

Fall is here and we hope you are all eager to get back on the curling ice!  We are preparing to reopen the season with our Open House the week of Oct 30 to Nov 4, sessions in the evenings 7-9pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night and another on Saturday afternoon 1-3pm (no session on Tuesday Oct 31-Halloween). Regular weeknight Leagues will start up on November 6th.

Your executive, led by President Andrew Sears, are working on final season plans ranging from club bonspiels, the GCC Classic Bonspiel, and more fundraising opportunities.

To meet our financial obligations to the sportsplex (rent) we must continue to focus on adding new members and fundraising activities, and our bonspiels need to be well supported by all members. The club has not raised membership fees for several years but with this year’s increase in rent a small increase in membership fees is necessary. With these efforts the club can remain in a stable financial condition.

Membership Rates

One League$375
Multi-League Member$475 *
New Members$100 Discount
Wednesday Mornings$15/day non-members
Student Discount50% of applicable rate
Junior Curling$50
Little Rocks$35

* Multi-League players can play any day/night

All fees are due upon registration, but as a convenience to our members, 50% is required by December 1st and any remaining fee must be paid in full by January 15th, or may be subject to a $50 late fee.

We will be registering players and accepting membership fees the first night of League play

Contact Information

Interested in curling? Whether you’re looking to play in one of our regular leagues or a youth program or just new and want to learn, contact one of our league commissioners listed below.

Monday NightLaurie Cochrane902-895-5297
Tues. NightAndy Kenny902-986-9025
Gord Forshner902-478-2505
Wednesday MorningTBA
Thursday NightDan Washburn902-401-5925
Mike Henderson902-899-5462
Friday Night/Learn to CurlDarrell Robinson  902-751-0433
Junior CurlingLisa Henderson902-673-2106
Little RocksLisa Henderson902-673-2106

Learn to Curl Program

New to curling? A seasoned curler looking to improve your skills? Come to the club on Friday evenings to learn all about the game and develop your skills from experienced instructors.

You can contact Darrell Robinson for more info: or 902-751-0433

Our Curling Activities

Here is a list of all the programs, leagues, and opportunities to learn that we offer at the Club. We have something for players from 6 years old and up, with league play available on most weeknights.

NOTE: Our leagues now have many players that use a curling ‘Delivery Stick’ is an alternative delivery method for players who may have issues with the traditional curling slide, so don’t let concerns about being able to slide from the hack worry you!

Little Rocks

This is where curlers aged 6-9 are introduced to the game every second Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:15.

The only equipment required is clean sneakers and a helmet.

A great, low-cost way to be active and make new friends!

Junior Curling

Curlers aged 10-18 develop their curling skills from 3:15—4:45 every Monday.

For a very low fee, junior curlers learn lots of new skills and make new friends along the way!

Evening Leagues

Competitive and recreational leagues are offered every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings. New and experienced curlers are welcome to join one or more leagues.

Wednesday Mornings

A “drop-in” style league, Wednesday morning offers flexibility and lots of fun! Teams are created each week with those in attendance. A great way to curl with a variety of players.

Curlers may also occasionally travel to other clubs across the province and host other club teams in Brookfield.

Friday Night ‘Development’ League

Last season saw the start of a new Friday night league with a bit of a twist! This is a mix of both new and experienced curlers, providing the opportunity to develop your own skill while participating in a full league schedule. Join the league as a first-time player or a player already playing another night to play a position you have not previously tried… perhaps skip a team! Put together your own team or join a team assembled by the league. On ice instruction is available anytime through the season at players’ request.

November will focus on new curler instruction & pre-season practice games, with league plays (and continuing skill training if desired) starting in December.

You can contact Darrell Robinson for more info: or 902-751-0433

Socials Events

Members and non-members can come out and socialize at any of special events we are planning throughout the year. These are all important fundraising events for the club, and include:

  • Great Community Curling Classic
  • St. Patty’s Day Bonspiel
  • 2 Club Bonspiels (Dec 2-3, Jan 27-28)
  • Trivia Nights (Oct 21, Jan 27, Mar 2)
  • Awards Night-Wrap up Social

Of course, there is always a ‘winners buy’ gathering in the lounge after games every week!

Club Facility Rentals

If you, friends, or work group are looking for a place to rent for meetings, a social event, or just some fun curling the Curling Club is available!

Rent the Ice, the Lounge area or both! Rental rates start as low as $90 for a half-day rental.

Contact Don Henderson for pricing-booking at: or (902) 814-5254

Our Major Sponsors

Advertise with the Brookfield Curling Club

Looking for a unique way to promote your business while helping support this community club? Space is available to have your “Business Name” displayed on the walls of the Curling Ice playing area for all to see.

Pricing starts at $100 annually

For more information, contact Andrew Sears, club president: or 902-986-1107
or Secretary Andy Kenny: or 902-986-9025